Dear Chain smokers,
I hate you, I hate not being able to breather when I
am around you. I hate the fact that I have to choke for my last breath of air
before you decide to put it out. I felt like coming over there and choking the day
lights out of you. Only problem with that is you might just charge me with assault,
and attempted murder.
Everywhere you go, you have to smoke. Not even thinking
about those around you. I swear every time I see you I wish that I could just
shove that cigar down your throat, so you can see how we feel. You smoke
anywhere with no regards to your surroundings and those around you. You make me
I am so tired of not being about to walk down the
street without smelling or inhaling some form of smoke. You see us walking by
and blow smoke in our faces and think that we should be ok with that. You have
no manner and no respect for others. You smoke in front of children, not
thinking about the lasting affect it will have on them. Nor caring about the
health problems that they will have to encounter later on in life. Maybe you
don’t care about your health but others so.
Seems like we should be walking about with gas masks
everywhere just to avoid dying from these chain smokers. It’s really sad that
these people do not take pride in their lives. If you chose to die early that’s
on you, but please do not put my life at risk too. Smoking kills but second
hand smoke is even worst. Children and adults alike will suffer from many
health issues just because of second hand smoke alone. I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE A
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